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Top Shelf Books


Characters In Search of a Novel

Characters in Search of a Novel - Molly D. Campbell How did you feel about the main character? I loved each of the characters and descriptions. Provided some fun reading.

From whose point of view is the story told? Each character is described from a third party.

Did the book description relate to the story? No I do not feel the description described the book. I felt the description talked more about the author than the book.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Italian Connection 1 (Dojo Boys, #4)

The Italian Connection 1 (Dojo Boys, #4) - Alex A. Akira Was the book different from what you expected? Yes I expected lots of sex but was instead given a lot of emotions.

Did you like the way the book ended? Yes, the ending was great.

What lesson did you learn from the story?No matter what, love will always see us through.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Cruxim: You Are Never Alone (Paranormal Fallen Angels) (Volume 1)

Cruxim: You Are Never Alone (Paranormal Fallen Angels) (Volume 1) - Karin Cox Make a list of facts you learned from the story. Adedeo was a vampire slayer. Dr.Gandler collected unusual people for his circus act. Sabine was half woman, half lion. She was a guardian, a Spinx. Josyln lived with nuns. She was turned into a vampire. She loved Adedeo. She is immortal. They were all hundreds of years old.

What was the author's purpose or purposes in writing this book? To entertain us and to take us away from our life into a land of fantasy.

What did you like about it? Just a fun book to drift off into another world.

If you were in a problem situation like one in the book, how would you have acted? I would have battled all the vamps, just like they did. I wouldn't have given up either.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Blown Circuit: Explosive Spy Action for Mystery Thriller Fans (#2)

Blown Circuit  - Lars Guignard What are some of the book's themes? Murder and revenge. Throw in a few terrorists and a bit bombs, this book offers you explosive action.

Favourite character(s) … Michael, of course. He runs, he thinks and he saves.

Describe 2 different settings or locations. Michael was in a dungeon with Meryem looking for the parts for the Tesla. Michael and Meryem were held captive on a big ship.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Mountain City Bronzes

The Mountain City Bronzes - Madeleine McLaughlin Share a quote or two from the book. If more people followed this the world would be a better place.

“You shouldn't judge them too much, Kevin,” Dad would say, a sad look on his face. “You never know what the past has done to some people. Things aren't always as they seem.”

Share a favorite scene from the book. Kevin finding out what was behind the locked door. As the reader, I was definitely surprised and the author did a good job at hiding the tell-tale signs.

What did you like least? The shortness of the book. In so many ways, I felt the story and characters could have been developed more.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Lessons from the Lemonade Stand: A Common Sense Primer on Investing

Lessons from the Lemonade Stand: A Common Sense Primer on Investing - James Berman Would you recommend this book? How would you rate it? I recommend this book to anyone who would like more information about investing but does not know where to start.

Did you learn something new reading this book? Yes, learning something from reading is always the best book. I learned to be more careful in what company I invest my money with.

Are the book's issues controversial? The issues are not controversial but they provided some good discussions. Our money is something we control. We all want to make more money and the easier the better. Thankfully the author points out that nothing is ever a sure thing and to invest wisely.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Time Killer

Time Killer - Todd M Thiede If your book was a mystery, what was the mystery was and how it was solved. Mystery was for the detectives in figuring out who was the killer. Took a while but they figured out who was committing the crimes.

If you could rewrite the ending, would you? Yes, would re-write from about 55% to the end. Did not enjoy knowing who the killer was at that point.

Which characters do you particularly admire or dislike? Everyone will always say the killer on this and I agree. Did not like the killer.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Barbed-Wire Butterflies

Barbed-Wire Butterflies - Jessica Kristie What are some of the book's themes? The book was about cruelty. Starving women and children who were kidnapped and forced to work in sweatshops. Rape and starvation were a given.

Did the book end the way you expected? It ended, as I hoped it would.

Top 3 things I liked about the whole book. I read this type of book, often. The topic fascinates me. This type of book makes people aware that human trafficking does exist. This book is fiction, but it's someones true story.

Disclosure - I received a free copy of the book which did not affect my honest opinion.

Sleeper's Run

Sleeper's Run - Henry Mosquera Did the book description relate to the story? The description fit the book and it definitely makes sense that the book has won so many awards. The author has a unique writing style and I look forward to reading other books by him.

What motivates a given character’s actions? Eric is driven by his training and knowledge. He is adaptable and he improvises, whenever needed. He does what he has to, in order to stay alive.

List the five major events in the story in the correct order. Eric woke up in the hospital and didn't remember anything. Eric kills the president and he's on the run. Eric is captured and he fakes his own death.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

An 8-track to 81 Chapters - Experience/Limited

An 8-Track to 81 Chapters - Robin L. Sanders Describe what is happening in the first illustration in the book

Begins with many characters fighting demons and dark forces. Teenagers go back to school and get into some trouble. They travel in time together to fight demons and evil. They help save a town and return home.

How you define yourself is a central theme in this story.

Reminds me a bit of teenage problems and the struggle to grow up. We all had issues with changes to our bodies and the many rules and changes in our lives.

Compare two of the characters in this book.

Nate - strong, confident, many friends. Richard weak, no confidence, no one cared about him.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel

A Tale of the Other Kind - Leandi Cameron Describe what is happening in the first part of the book. Kai was in love, but deeply confused about what was happening to him. Every thought, every dream was about Sienna. The shift changing scared him.

What have you read that is similar to this book? The Twilight Series.

Who do you think the author intended to read this book? It was meant for all ages to read. People have been interested in this topic forever.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Here Among Us

Here Among Us - Maggie Harryman Make a list of facts you learned from the story Paddy was from Ireland. He died at a young age. Stephan was his dead brother. Stephan could be Flynn's dad. They had other properties. Jeff's dad, Big Tom was a rapist and child molester. Mauve decided to liked women.

List the characters and describe them Flynn - single mom, unemployed sport's lawyer, 43 yrs. old. Might be Stephan's daughter Oona - The mother of the 3 children. She suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Owns the biggest percentage in the businesses. Maeve - Oldest daughter. Married to Jeffery and had one son Declan. She is a diva and drama queen. Osheen -The man of the house, after his father's death. He's rattled and tattered; doesn't care about much of anything. Jeffery - is Mauve's husband. He was in financial trouble and cheated on his wife regularly. Used his son as a pawn. Father Fritz - Was a priest. He had known them their entire life. Maeve paid for his funeral

What was the mystery was and how it was solved. Sort of a mystery. Still don't know, who Flynn's father is. Big Tom was exposed to Jeffery

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray - Andy Holloman List the characters and describe them. John - Loving and devoted father. He was 45 years old. He owned a travel agency. He broke the law to try to save his daughter.

Travis - Was John's step brother. He was 35 and he worked for the police department. Lucy was John's 6 year old. She needed a kidney transplant.

Wanda - Was John's drug connection and friend. Tonya - Was her 6 year old daughter. Jamel was Wanda's former drug partner.

What was the problem in the book? Getting money for Lucy's surgery. John made several drug runs.

What kind of book is this? Fiction - But everything in this book could be real. After reading about the author a lot of this book was based on his own life experiences.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

The Symbolon: Book 2 of The SIbylline Trilogy (Volume 2)

The Symbolon - Delia J. Colvin
What is the time period in which the book happens? It's summer. It jumps from 500 years to 3000 prior.

What was the problem in the book, and how was it solved? The problem was Alex and Valeria want to be married. But Alex is already married. They escape the ancient council of immortals.

What kind of book is this? List three evidences of this This book is fiction. Ancient council of Immortals, Reincarnation.

What was the author's purpose or purposes in writing this book? To write a really passionate love story with a little immortal's thrown in for good measure.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Daimones (Daimones Trilogy, #1)

Daimones (Daimones Trilogy, #1) - Massimo Marino
List the places mentioned in the book. Places mentioned - Louisiana, Europe, Asia, Chile, Arkansas, Sweden, Peru, Chesapeake Bay, New York, Norte Dame, New Orleans.

What was the problem in the book, and how was it solved? They went to different stores to get all supplies they needed. Food, clothing, gas, guns, ammo.

Did anyone in the book do something you did not like? I didn't like Dan and Mary sleeping together.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Fighting the Effects of Gravity: A Bittersweet Journey into Middle Life

Fighting the Effects of Gravity: A Bittersweet Journey Into Middle Life - James Robinson Jr. Tell in your own words the beginning of the book The author starts out telling readers who he is and a little about his life.

Describe what is happening in the first illustration in the book The author is telling readers that no matter what middle age is not a setback it is a learning experience we should all embrace.

How did the main character feel during the book? I felt Robinson always had an upbeat take on everything happening.

What did the title have to do with the book? Fighting the Effect of Gravity – Robinson tells readers about his fight with gravity involving his body.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.