Make a list of facts you learned from the story Paddy was from Ireland. He died at a young age. Stephan was his dead brother. Stephan could be Flynn's dad. They had other properties. Jeff's dad, Big Tom was a rapist and child molester. Mauve decided to liked women.
List the characters and describe them Flynn - single mom, unemployed sport's lawyer, 43 yrs. old. Might be Stephan's daughter Oona - The mother of the 3 children. She suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Owns the biggest percentage in the businesses. Maeve - Oldest daughter. Married to Jeffery and had one son Declan. She is a diva and drama queen. Osheen -The man of the house, after his father's death. He's rattled and tattered; doesn't care about much of anything. Jeffery - is Mauve's husband. He was in financial trouble and cheated on his wife regularly. Used his son as a pawn. Father Fritz - Was a priest. He had known them their entire life. Maeve paid for his funeral
What was the mystery was and how it was solved. Sort of a mystery. Still don't know, who Flynn's father is. Big Tom was exposed to Jeffery
Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.