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Top Shelf Books

July 2013
reviewed: Lionslayer's Woman
Which did you find more appealing, the introduction or the conclusion? I think I like the conclusion more because it was more...
Lionslayer's Woman - Nhys Glover
reviewed: Characters In Search of a Novel
How did you feel about the main character? I loved each of the characters and descriptions. Provided some fun reading.From w...
Characters in Search of a Novel - Molly D. Campbell
July 2013
reviewed: The Italian Connection 1 (Dojo Boys, #4)
Was the book different from what you expected? Yes I expected lots of sex but was instead given a lot of emotions.Did you lik...
The Italian Connection 1 (Dojo Boys, #4) - Alex A. Akira
reviewed: Cruxim: You Are Never Alone (Paranormal Fallen Angels) (Volume 1)
Make a list of facts you learned from the story. Adedeo was a vampire slayer. Dr.Gandler collected unusual people for his ci...
Cruxim: You Are Never Alone (Paranormal Fallen Angels) (Volume 1) - Karin Cox
reviewed: Blown Circuit: Explosive Spy Action for Mystery Thriller Fans (#2)
What are some of the book's themes? Murder and revenge. Throw in a few terrorists and a bit bombs, this book offers you explo...
Blown Circuit  - Lars Guignard
June 2013
reviewed: The Mountain City Bronzes
Share a quote or two from the book. If more people followed this the world would be a better place. “You shouldn't judge them...
The Mountain City Bronzes - Madeleine McLaughlin
reviewed: Lessons from the Lemonade Stand: A Common Sense Primer on Investing
Would you recommend this book? How would you rate it? I recommend this book to anyone who would like more information about i...
Lessons from the Lemonade Stand: A Common Sense Primer on Investing - James Berman
June 2013
reviewed: Time Killer
If your book was a mystery, what was the mystery was and how it was solved. Mystery was for the detectives in figuring out wh...
Time Killer - Todd M Thiede
June 2013
reviewed: Barbed-Wire Butterflies
What are some of the book's themes? The book was about cruelty. Starving women and children who were kidnapped and forced to ...
Barbed-Wire Butterflies - Jessica Kristie
May 2013
reviewed: Sleeper's Run
Did the book description relate to the story? The description fit the book and it definitely makes sense that the book has wo...
Sleeper's Run - Henry Mosquera
May 2013
reviewed: An 8-track to 81 Chapters - Experience/Limited
Describe what is happening in the first illustration in the bookBegins with many characters fighting demons and dark forces. ...
An 8-Track to 81 Chapters - Robin L. Sanders
April 2013
reviewed: A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel
Describe what is happening in the first part of the book. Kai was in love, but deeply confused about what was happening to hi...
A Tale of the Other Kind - Leandi Cameron
April 2013
reviewed: Here Among Us
Make a list of facts you learned from the story Paddy was from Ireland. He died at a young age. Stephan was his dead brothe...
Here Among Us - Maggie Harryman
reviewed: Shades of Gray
List the characters and describe them. John - Loving and devoted father. He was 45 years old. He owned a travel agency. He...
Shades of Gray - Andy Holloman
April 2013
reviewed: The Symbolon: Book 2 of The SIbylline Trilogy (Volume 2)
What is the time period in which the book happens? It's summer. It jumps from 500 years to 3000 prior.What was the problem in...
The Symbolon - Delia J. Colvin